Hidoussi AbderrahmenCyberCellCoin Project Blog postCyberCellCoin is a blockchain coin built as a prototype for future cryptocurrency related project .Mar 24, 2021Mar 24, 2021
Hidoussi AbderrahmenShare your knowledge — RecursionWhat is recursion? Well recursion in computer science is a function that call’s itself until a base condition is met.Feb 21, 2021Feb 21, 2021
Hidoussi AbderrahmenWhat happens when you type gcc main.c ?So what is gcc ? , gcc is stands for GNU Compiler Collection which are free-softwares and mass-collaboration projects launched by Richard…Jun 10, 2020Jun 10, 2020
Hidoussi AbderrahmenWhat is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic link?The File System in most Linux installations is represented by inodes. and thus the File System is basically links to inodes (hard links)…Jun 8, 2020Jun 8, 2020
Hidoussi AbderrahmenWhat really happens when you type ls *.cEach time you type a command line and press enter, the bash performs some alteration upon the written text. today however, we are looking…Jun 8, 2020Jun 8, 2020